When I hit the big four oh, I found that my body started to fall apart one piece at a time. My warranty had expired and there was No Extended Warranty available! This is the story of my struggle to keep it all together using spare parts and baling twine.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Bad Headache Day 37 2009

Double Checking Info - How I research

Friday, August 28, 2009
Life's Been Good to Me So Far

Thursday, August 27, 2009
Back to Full Time Work - Almost

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Larry Moe And Curly

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Spinning Out Kidney Stones

Saturday, August 22, 2009
Electronically Transformed

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Kidney Stones

What a Day!
Haven't been feeling too great, but thought that it was the aftermath of the flu from last week. I have been having a lot less headache pain, so I guessed I'm just feeling other pain in my body because that The Headache isn't overpowering everything. I have been working more hours this week, almost back to eight hours again - should have known I wouldn't have a 40 hour work week. I feel all whiney tonight but I think it is the pain medication.
I started having extremely painful internal spasms at work, so bad I couldn't hardly talk or walk. I tried to wait it out, saying to myself "Stupid - you worked too much on a ladder last weekend - now you are paying the price!" I wasn't thinking too well - as happens when I'm in a lot of pain - and after a coworker asked what was wrong with me, finally figured out I should go see a doctor. I drove myself to urgent care, and they did a urinalysis finding that I was passing almost more blood than urine, which is a symptom of kidney stones.
The Headache decided to get into what I call a "pain feedback loop" and started acting up too. I fiddled with the stimulator, and it seemed to drop the pain back a notch or two on The Headache.
My blood pressure was sky high, and they did a CT scan of my pelvic region and confirmed that I had kidney stones. My ureter wasn't blocked and the spasms had calmed down by then, so I was given a script for pain medication and told to go home and drink plenty of water. I also was given a strainer to strain my urine for the next two days to try to catch the stone or stones as they work their way out so they can analyze them to see what kind of stone I am making. Ewwwwww. I have a couple of stones that are still in my kidneys, but they aren't the ones causing the pain.
I am extremely nauseated, even taking phenergan is not stopping the vomiting. Their instructions said I was to go to the emergency room if I can't keep anything down. I'm going to give it a few hours and see if this will quit before morning. I have been able to sip some liquids and keep that down this evening but large quantities of water have not been possible. Pacing the floor seemed to help, and I am going to try a hot bath before I go to bed - some web sites stated that could help.
I was hoping all would be back to normal soon, but that wasn't in the cards for me today. Perhaps the remains of the stone will pass tonight and I will be back at work tomorrow. I am still feeling quite a bit of pain, and that's with vicodin and phenergan in me. Comparing kidney stones to pancreatitis, acute pancreatitis was more painful, and the stones seem easier to treat. The Belly doesn't like either condition.
Here's the problem I can see with kidney stones: I live my life on the edge of dehydration. If I increase my fluid intake I also increase the diarrhea that is caused by the damage from the radiation therapy five years ago. I then start passing more water than I take in, and that dehydrates me more quickly. So for me, more liquids equals quicker deydration (believe me, I've had to go to the ER for that a few times before I figured out what was going on). So no matter what I do, I am toast as far as liquid intake is concerned..which will mean more urinary tract infections, and more kidney stone formation.
Ah well, that's what I get for not ordering the extra absorbant digestive system option and the radiation resistant bladder when I was born...and my model year is way too old to upgrade. I'm going to have see if I have some kind of gypsy curse on my head. This illness stuff is getting really old.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Freedom From Headache Pain? Almost!

Sunday, August 16, 2009
Mission Accomplished [Almost!]

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Celebration Saturday

Primer #1: American Health Billing Basics

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Counting Money Dulls Pain Sensation

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Low Histamine Diet

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
I Am Allergic To... [Drumroll Please!]

Monday, August 10, 2009
Going To Kansas City

Blog Carnival Time Again

This Month's Theme Migraine & Family
Diana Lee at Somebody Heal Me has again graciously coordinated a blog carnival. This month's theme is about Migraine & Family. There are some thought provoking blogs featured there! Please visit!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Lost Day Due To Doxepin

Saturday, August 8, 2009
Vitamin D Deficient

Got a big packet in the mail yesterday. It was from the allergy/immunologists I saw last month, and included my test results and a prescription for Vitamin D. Apparently I am moderately deficient in vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin. It is a food born vitamin that is absorbed by the gut and potentiated by sunlight, and since pelvic radiation treatment has left me with some permanent absorbtion problems I shouldn't be surprised but I was. I am a great milk drinker, have it every morning, but it must not be enough. I'm to also increase my calcium supplementation. More pills....sigh. According to a medscape article there might be a link between Vitamin D deficiency and migraine, but its hard to tell because they are both very common...
From my tests it seems I am allergic to DOGS and CATS and HORSES and not any pollens or dust mites. I don't have any horses, although I have lots of Amish drive by's that may have kicked that off, but I love my dogs and cats. I have had dogs and cats my entire life. I don't have any sinus allergy symptoms at all. Not sure what to do about it but rip up the carpets and put down hardwood floors. Can't get rid of my little people pets. Going to take my pup Augie to the Vet this morning for his toenail trimming and see if the Vet has any ideas. I run Hepa filters and ozone generators in the house because my mother has allergies, so not sure what else but vacuum vacuum vacuum will do any good.
I also seemed to test positive for Autoimmune Urticaria, which is hives caused by autoimmune problems. I show some antithyroid antibodies, anti IGE and anti IgE receptor FcεR1 antibodies. I figured I would have the antithyroid problem as my thyroid quit functioning properly in my late twenties. According to the International Chronic Urticaria Society website this may be why all the antihistimines I take don't fix the problem. I go back to the specialists next week to see what the next step will be. I am not a candidate for immunosuppresant therapy because of my cancer history. Maybe I will just be itchy and bumpy for the rest of my days.
The Headache is halfway behaving itself the last two days. It acted up yesterday afternoon and evening, but calmed itself back down when I increased the settings on the occipital stimulator. Could it be helping? Hard to tell.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Banishing with All My Might

I finally ate something besides rice today, and The Belly is feeling mighty sick. The Headache has been maintaining a pretty good nausea signal to The Belly so I have not eaten much in the last few days. I was starting to have blood sugar problems (too low) because of that so I tried some protein today. I am trying now (seven hours later) to keep from throwing it back up. I guess that is TMI, huh?
My face is swollen and red because of the hives, and my facial pain from The Headache is making a comeback big time today. Overall the pain levels are down from the last two days, so I am considering today a Victory even with a red bumpy face! I am going to take more phenergan in a few minutes and try to grab a few hours sleep if possible.
“Confront the dark parts of yourself, and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness. Your willingness to wrestle with your demons will cause your angels to sing. Use the pain as fuel, as a reminder of your strength.”
August Wilson
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
"You Look Like Hell"

Stop the Spinning Wheel, I want to get off!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Tomorrow Tomorrow.....

Monday, August 3, 2009
Brain Mold

Sunday, August 2, 2009
Sleepless Night

Saturday, August 1, 2009
Bad Headache Days 35 & 36 2009