Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Bad Headache Day #33 2009

The Toll For Travel

I wish the toll I have to pay for travel was only 15 cents. Bad night last night, but I knew it was coming as early as yesterday morning. Good news - I was able to keep going despite everything until almost 8 PM. The visteral helped, but it took 3 doses to fix me up. No emergency room visit, but I did get to the "Oh God, oh God, oh God" rolling around in pain level which is never pleasant. I had an ice pack which did help a little also. The stimulator maybe helped keep this at bay for so many hours. Like everything else, not much help as The Headache got really romping. Maybe when I get real programming it will work better.

I'm having quite a bit of right shoulder and arm pain lately and I'm thinking it may be the result of my new wiring. Not sure if I'm holding my head at odd angles or if some of my pokey holes hit a nerve somewhere. Put that on top of the head pain and by midnight last night I was tempted to cut my arm off with a chainsaw - except I'm right handed. Dang! I thought about knawing it off but that was too much effort for my overstretched brain. The Headache is better this morning, and so is the arm pain. Maybe it is just a new ploy The Headache is trying just to annoy me.

Going to work in a few minutes. Wouldn't be doing this if they weren't woefully short handed this week. My brain is bruised mush this morning. I think I will be taking an ice pack with me.

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