The Woodland Glade
Had my visit at Dr. Gnome's office in St. Louis today. I didn't really see Dr. Gnome - he was probably busy somewhere making oodles of money doing ERCP's - but saw one of his PA's (Physician Assistant). She was quite knowledgeable and pleasant.
I should be receiving a call next week to schedule an EUS (endoscopic ultrasound) to check my pancreas for changes from the last few pancreatitis attacks, signs of chronic pancreatitis, signs of autoimmune pancreatitis, signs of pancreatic cancer, and evidence that my two year old sphincterotomy is still functioning correctly.
I was glad to find out that Dr. Gnome works with an EUS doctor in Joplin Missouri - about 45 minutes from my home rather than four hours. When I have the EUS done, if there are any masses or cysts found I'll be referred back to Dr. Gnome. If there is any problem seen needing a repeat ERCP I'll be referred back to Dr. Gnome. If there is evidence of autoimmune pancreatitis I will probably be started on steroids by Dr. Gnome. Since it is an endoscopic ultrasound, I will be sedated so my older brother is going to be the designated driver.
The PA said I was not eating enough fat and that I could take more of my pancreatic enzymes with meals to see if that will help with the pain and nausea. I hope to be able to add more protein also. She said that I appear to still be in the recovery period from the last acute pancreatitis attack, and that explains my very bad fatigue, which is probably being exacerbated by not enough dietary fat.
I had to laugh to myself. Dr. Gnomes office looks back into a grassy woodland area that extends back miles into a park area. It is very shady and has high walls surrounding this section, so it is very secluded. The windows are mirrored so wildlife cannot see into the building. While I was being seen, twin fawns came right up to the windows and started eating the lovely grass. I thought, awwww, Dr. Gnome road a deer to work today, and she brought her babies! I wondered if he had a little mushroom house around back where I couldn't see...
The Headache is having stabbing pains off and on all day. The Belly is hurting because I tried to eat a higher fat diet this evening, plus it got poked on today. Going to medicate and go to bed directly. It took me over six hours to drive home (normally 4 hour drive) because The Headache and The Belly were making my life miserable. Glad I'm home...
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