Wednesday, December 16, 2009

December Blog Carnival

Dianna Lee has done it again!

The December Headache Blog Carnival has been posted. Terri Roberts is this months hostee (or is that hostess?), with help from the ever organized Dianna Lee.

The theme this month is Advice on and experiences with reducing holiday season stress. There is plenty of interesting reading and helpful hints, so click on the link and enjoy!


  1. I'd like to know a few good tips myself. I've had my headaches under control until recently...seems the Holiday stress has brought them back on - even with the medicine.

  2. The tips about eating were good for me - I quit eating at the right times, and eat too much sugar when I can eat partly because of The Belly - partly because the sugary snacks are THERE.

    Hope your HC goes back into hiding soon!!!
