Monday, March 8, 2010

Tired of Winter

Ready for Spring

I'm tired of dreary weather, and I'm ready for spring to be here.  I want green grass and warm breezes, shady trees and flowers blooming.  I'm also just plain tired, so spring come soon.  I'm waiting for the robins!

I'm at that tired point right now that I can't rest because of it.  The fatigue keeps building, and I just get more tired rather than more rested.  Wishing I was younger and had that stamina that wouldn't stop for anything.  Too tired for words and unable to fall asleep, a combination that is a no-win situation.

Diana Lee has published her newest Headache Blog Carnival about Opening Up to Family and Friends at her blog Somebody Heal Me.  As always there are some thought provoking entries.  I am so glad Diana Lee is able to coordinate this in spite of her own disabling headache condition.


  1. I pray dear one that you do get some needed rest. That you do not feel so fatigued. I am sorry that your body is so weary. Hugs.....

  2. No rest today; The Headache is protesting as storms and tornados sweep in from Oklahoma. Thanks for the prayers, JBR!!!
