Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Headache Persists

Pain Racked Head

Since receiving the injection of decadron last weekend The Headache had faded into the background at its normal levels of pain until today.  I only worked a few hours Wednesday and Thursday but needed to be at a meeting this AM at work, so came in early and stayed for the entire day.  This evening The Headache is trying to escape again.  I have been taking percocet for The Belly pain, and perhaps that is aggravating The Headache, hard to tell at this point, or maybe the steroid is starting to wear off.

I have at least another two weeks of travel to the client, will try and rest to see if I can get it done.  So far I have accumulated over $500 in ER co-pays just trying to be well enough to keep working in the last two months.  Doesn't seem practical or logical to keep doing this - but if I don't I can't keep working.  Big Sigh..

I have a claw of pain ripping at my head - trying hard to keep the stimulator programs varied to stop the progression.  It's helping, but it's not keeping me ahead of the pain with the increased working hours and activity.

One of the symptoms of hemicrania continua is that for a lot of us the pain gets worse with exercise.  For me that can be just simply driving my car, buying groceries, sweeping the floor, or walking up and down the hallways at a client's hospital.  The longer hours I've been working coupled with more physical activity has The Headache stirred up.  I have read with envy accounts of  people who are able to increase their natural endorphins by exercise.  I hoped that the stimulator would control the pain enough that I could get back to a more active lifestyle, but it ain't happenin'. 

Tired but not able to sleep tonight.  Ready for a lovely day tomorrow and a smooth pain free brain.  I am going to go to bed with positive thoughts to populate my dreams.  I'm breaking out with small hives all over, probably from the percocet .  I guess I will have to discontinue percocet and rechallenge to make sure that is why I am hiving.  Sigh again.

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